Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Juggling for the Complete Klutz

I used to think that I'd never learn to juggle three bean bags. I've not very coordinated - that's why my main form of exercise is running (and even at that I sometimes mess up as folks who know me can attest :). One day my mother bought me this book called Juggling for the Complete Klutz. Remarkably, a few hours later (it takes most folks like 15 minutes, but with my coordination, well...) I was juggling. I can still juggle three items almost at will and almost for 15 seconds at time. I've been known to juggle whiteboard markers when I'm teaching at UC Berkeley just to see if the students are paying attention.

I was reflecting on this tonight as I thought about juggling the various activities that we have in process at Vyatta - we have lots of balls in the air, so to speak. We're adding team members, getting ready to release another bi-monthly software build, preparing for InterOp in May, working on future product direction and spending lots of time with our community. It's enough to make an uncoordinated person dizzy at times. But, then, I think of my skepticism about juggling and remind myself it's all about focus.

We're focused on delivering on the promise of open source networking software on commodity hardware. Routers, firewalls and much more with the help and inspiration of our community. When you're focused it's not too hard to juggle successfully.

Any thoughts on where you'd like to see us focus in the future? Drop us a line using the usual methods - lots of you seem to know how to reach us and that is a great thing! Keep the questions and comments coming!


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